Wool Abrasive Buffing Paramount Split Lap Felt Polishing Wheel for Jewelry,

Split Lap felt polishing wheel Features:
The nature of the laps is to Cut and Polish flat surfaces and leave a crisp and sharp edge.
The 4 slits on the lap allow the user to visually see the surface as the work is performed. Laps can be used on any metal, Gold Silver even Platinum.
* All Metals
* Jewelry Work – Dental – Automotive
* Hone Knives & Chisels
* Plastic – Stone – Fiberglass – Glass

* 100% natural compressed wool – favored for superior buffing properties, versatility & durability
* Dedicated to the polishing or repair the scratches of different materials, such as knives, metal, glass, ceramic, stone, silver, gold, plastic and jewelry
Paramount Split Laps are made in China, composed of 100% wool this felt wheels provide the perfect surface finish. Laps can be used
with various polishing compounds. Every wheel is perfectly balanced to give vibration free, true running performance.
Polishing Felt Wheels Inside Felt Buffing Jewelry Polishing Buff
3mm 5mm 10mm SAE F-1 press polishing felt sheet white merino wool felt